Software Downloads

Modules – Packages – Installations

Please note that there is a version history available as *.pdf file [approx. 150kB].
To prevent incompatibilities please update all software modules which are in use.

For some software packages you need a license no. for installation.

If you want to purchase a software product or you have any questions please contact us.

Free Driver Software

PD-USB01 device driver V3.2.0.0 for 32 bit Windows 10 (from version 10.0.19041) / Windows 11
PD-USB01 device driver V3.2.0.0 for 64 bit Windows 10 (from version 10.0.19041) / Windows 11
Version history of PD-USB01 device driver

PD-USB01 device driver V3.1.2.6 for 32 bit Windows 10
PD-USB01 device driver V3.1.2.6 for 64 bit Windows 10
PD-USB01 device driver V3.1.2.6 for 32 bit Windows 7 and 8.1
PD-USB01 device driver V3.1.2.6 for 64 bit Windows 7 and 8.1
Installation Notes — Windows Device Drivers for USB-based tec5 Products

PD-PCIe01V1 device driver V1.0.4.0 for 32 bit Windows 7 and 8.1
PD-PCIe01V1 device driver V1.0.4.0 for 64 bit Windows 7 and 8.1
PD-PCIe01V1 device driver V1.0.4.0 for 32 bit Windows 10
PD-PCIe01V1 device driver V1.0.4.0 for 64 bit Windows 10
Version history of PD-PCIe01V1 device driver

CFE-USB11 device driver for 32 bit Windows 7 and 8.1
CFE-USB11 device driver for 64 bit Windows 7 and 8.1
CFE-USB11 device driver for 32 bit Windows 10
CFE-USB11 device driver for 64 bit Windows 10
Version history of CFE-USB11 device driver

Free Downloads

AdminTool V2.1.6
Version history of AdminTool
Manual AdminTool

Downloads [license number required for installation]

Version history of SDACQ32MP
MultiSpec Pro II V1.7.1588 [114 MB]
Version history of MultiSpec Pro II
tecSaaS MPT V1.3.672 [99 MB]
Version history of tecSaaS MPT

TFM-1 [License required]

Lens Colour Analyser TFM-1 Pro II V1.2 [94 MB]
Version history of Lens Colour Analyser TFM-1 Pro II

A new license number is required for an update of TFM-1 V2 to the new TFM-1 Pro II software.
An update of the database is also required.
Please contact tec5.

The AdminTool is a 32 bit application, allowing operation in the 64 bit Operating Systems mentioned above.

A new license number is required for an update of the MultiSpec® Pro software to the new MultiSpec® Pro II software.
Please contact tec5.

  • The current software products support operation in Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 [32 and 64 bit].

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