Standardized spectrometer and illumination assemblies specially dedicated to your system integration.

PROGAZE pure Process Spectrometer

Build Your Spectrometer Systems – with Ease

The pure series provides function-optimized assemblies, developed especially for your individual system integration.

We offer fully functional, CE-certified spectrometers and illumination assemblies with plug-and-play capabilities to provide our integration partners with the best possible support when integrating our spectrometer components into their individual solutions and products.

Once integrated, precisely and well defined specifications allow interchangeability of assemblies at any time.

Although highly standardized, the assemblies’ numerous configuration options enable the creation of individual and application-specific solutions. This enables our partners to create and to market systems with their own unique selling propositions.

Spectrometer Assemblies

The pure-spectrometer assemblies comprise a spectral sensor and a high-end operating electronics with comprehensive functionality including real-time data acquisition and processing.

Optionally, additional embedded computing power and memory capacity provide a conveniently accessible infrastructure for full on-board data evaluation (e.g., chemometrics).

The assemblies feature an optimized form factor, high tolerance to vibrations and ambient temperatures and may be installed in any orientation.

Moreover, the assembliescome fully wired and certified to comply with all electromagnetic compatibility requirements.

Illumination Assemblies

Each PROGAZE pure illumination assembly consists of a light source and corresponding electronics providing optimized output power stabilization and status monitoring.

For easy replacement of the pre-aligned light sources, two service flaps on all assemblies grant convenient access.

The illumination assemblies can be operated either as stand-alone units or via the spectrometer assembly’s interface. For the latter, the illumination assembly can simply be plugged to the spectrometer assembly without any cabling.

Smart as an Option

In addition to standard system operation via an external software application, the SMART versions with on-board microprocessors permit autonomous stand-alone operation.

PROGAZE pure - Concept

Data Processing and Evaluation

All PROGAZE pure systems comprise:

  • Full control of periphery
  • On-board data pretreatment
  • Condition monitoring functions

For system operation, an appropriate application software (Progaze Soft) is provided.

Alternatively, standardized protocols and SDKs enable a fast and easy system implementation into your software application.

PROGAZE pure assemblies are equipped with an integrated microcontroller for Linux (SMART ).

This enables full real-time data evaluation on the device itself (no external PC needed), including:

  • Commercially available prediction engines (chemometrics, color evaluation, etc.)
  • Script languages (Python, R, etc.)

The required model files as well as further workflow procedures can be stored directly on the device in an access-protected memory.


Configurable to Your Needs

PROGAZE pure assemblies are available in a wide range of variations to simplify the realization of your specific systems.

Various applications are accessible by variety of spectrometer assemblies:

  • UV (various ranges and opt. resolutions)
  • VIS (various ranges and opt. resolutions)
  • NIR (various ranges and opt. resolutions)
  • Raman (various ranges and opt. resolutions)

Four compatible illumination assemblies are available:

  • Halogen Lamp (power adjustable)
  • Halogen-Deuterium Lamp (power adjustable)
  • Xe-Flash (power adjustable)
  • Laser 785 nm (35 mW, 150 mW or 500 mW)

Each assembly can be integrated and operated separately. In addition, they are all equipped with an internal data bus and powerline, allowing different assemblies to be combined and operated via one common interface.

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