Specrometer Module PROGAZE STP Raman


PROGAZE STP modules are specially designed for integration into process spectrometer systems and analyzers. They feature excellent optical performance and a high degree of standardization.

The Raman spectrometer modules offer optimized tuning of optical specifications for process analytical applications, such as sensitivity, resolution or wavelength accuracy. Combined with a robust design, this ensures precise measurements even in harsh environments.

Tightly specified components and innovative manufacturing processes ensure a high degree of standardization of the STP modules. As a result, the modules are interchangeable, enabling easy scaling on system-level.

Data Sheet 

Technical Data1 (excerpt)

 R785 I
Spectral Range130 – 3.200 cm-1
Raman Excitation Wavelengths785 nm
Wavelength Accuracy+/-1cm-1
Stray LightContrast Ratio < 1:10,000
DetectorHamamatsu S7031-1006S
Dimensions (W x H x l)Approx. 207 mm x 74 mm x 192 mm
Weight2.3 kg

1 Adaptions and custom variants on request. For full specifications download data sheet.

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